An Economic History of the Middle East and North Africa
Charles Issawi
Not Available
A Monetary History of the United Kingdom, 1870-1982
Forrest Capie and 1 more
The Contemporary Spanish Economy
Sima lieberman
Germany's Comeback in the World Market
Ludwig Erhard
The Rise of Modern Industry
J.L. Hammond and 1 more
The Clothing Workers of Great Britain
S.P Dobbs
History of Income Tax
b.e.v Sabine
Foreign Finance in Continental Europe and the United States 1815-1870
D.C.M. Platt
Years of Recovery
Alec Cairncross
The Economic and Social Foundations of European Civilization
Alfons Dopsch
The Victorian Economy
Francois Crouzet
Silver in England
Philippa Glanville
The Banks and the Monetary System in the UK, 1959-1971
J.E. Wadsworth
Social Change in the Industrial Revolution
Neil J. Smelser
Economic History of Transport in Britain
Christopher Savage and 1 more
An Economic History of the United States Since 1783
Francis G. Walett
Agrarian Change and Economic Development
E.L. Jones and 1 more
Economic and Social Change in a Midland Town
Roy A. Church
Realms of Silver
Compton Mackenzie
Open-Field Farming in Medieval Europe
Warren Ault
W.D. & H.O. Wills and the Development of the UK Tobacco Industry
B.W.E Alford
The Industrial Revolution in the Eighteenth Century
Paul Mantoux
Essays on a Mature Economy: Britain After 1840
Deirdre McCloskey
An Economic History of England
T.S. Ashton
Aspects of Capital Investment in Great Britain 1750-1850
S. Pollard and 1 more
Agricultural Fluctuations in Europe
Wilhelm Abel
Crisis and Change in the Venetian Economy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Brian Pullan
Economy and Society in Early Modern Europe
Peter Burke
English Peasant Farming
Joan Thirsk
The Growth of the Athenian Economy
A French
History of English Corn Laws, A
Donald Grove Barnes
Britain's Economic Prospects Reconsidered
Medieval Merchant Venturers
E. M. Carus-Wilson
The Finance of British Industry, 1918-1976
W.A. Thomas
Mints, Dies and Currency
R.A.G. Carson
A Financial History of Western Europe
Charles P. Kindleberger
The Development of the West of Scotland 1750-1960
Anthony Slaven
The Portugal Trade
H.E.S Fisher
Economic Progress and Policy in Developing Countries
Angus Maddison
The Birth of the Western Economy
Robert Latouche
Industrial Finance, 1830-1914
P.L. Cottrell
By the Sweat of Their Brow
Angela V. John
African Slave Trade and Its Suppression
Peter C. Hogg
Business History
K. A Tucker
Quaker Lloyds in the Industrial Revolution
Humphrey Lloyd
Alexander Dalrymple and the Expansion of British Trade
Howard T. Fry
British Economic Policy and Empire, 1919-1939
Ian M. Drummond
The Industrial & Commercial Revolutions in Great Britain During the Nineteenth Century
L.C.A Knowles
The Long Wave in Economic Life
Jacob J. van Duijn
The Transformation of England
Peter Mathias
Population Malthus
Patricia James
Economic Growth in the West
Tropical Development
William Arthur
International Money
Charles P. Kindlerberger
Keynesianism Vs. Monetarism
The Trade Winds
C.Northcote Parkinson
British Economic and Strategic Planning, 1905-1915
David French
Industrial South Wales, 1750-1914
Walter E. Minchinton
Economy and Society in 19th Century Britain
Richard Tames
International Competition and Strategic Response in the Textile Industries SInce 1870
Mary B. Rose
Health, Wealth and Population in the Early Days of the Industrial Revolution
M.C. Buer
Victorian Working Women
Wanda F. Neff
Industrial Revolution
Charles Austin Beard
Six Centuries of Work and Wages
James E. Thorold Rogers
Roots of American Economic Growth 1607-1861
Stuart Bruchey
The Rise of the Corporate Economy
Leslie Hannah
Living Through the Industrial Revolution
Stella Davies
A Social and Economic History of Medieval Europe
Gerald A. Hodgett
The Rise of Merchant Banking
Stanley Chapman
The Economic Development of Canada
Richard Pomfret
The Dynamics of Victorian Business
Roy Church
Introduction to the Economic History of China
Stuart Kirby
Renold Chains
Basil Tripp
Economic Growth in Japan and the USSR
Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Historians
Roderick Floud
Finance Capital
Rudolph Hilferding
The Economic Decline of Empires
Carlo M. Cipolla
Industrial Britain Under the Regency
W.O. Henderson
Industrial Revolution on the Continent
The Malthusian Controversy
Kenneth Smith
Documents of the Industrial Revolution 1750-1850
Richard L. Tames
An Economic History of England 1870-1939
William Ashworth
The Industrial History of Modern England
George Herbert Perris
British Agriculture
P J Perry
Did British Capitalism Breed Inequality?
Jeffrey G. Williamson
Economic Development in the Long Run
A.J. Youngson
Towards the Managed Economy
Roger Middleton
The British Tariff System
E.B. McGuire
Problems of British Economic Policy, 1870-1945
Jim Tomlinson
The American Economy 1860-1940
A.J. Youngson Brown
Industries of London Since 1861
P.G. Hall
The Postwar International Money Crisis
Victor Argy
An Economic History of Europe 1760-1930
a. Birnie
An Economic History of Western Europe, 1945-1964
M. M. Postan
An Economic History of Italy
Gino Luzzatto
Economic Growth in History
J.D. Gould
Industrial England, 1776-1851
Dorothy Marshall
Studies in the Economic Policy of Frederick the Great
Banker's World
Richard Fry
The Irish Pound, 1797-1826
Frank W. Fetter
Capital and Steam Power
John Lord
Trade Union and Social History
A.E. Musson
A History of Industrial Life Assurance
D. Morrah
Economic History of the United States
Short History of Economic Progress
Y.S. Brenner
The Decline of British Economic Power Since 1870
M. W. Kirby
The Study of Economic History
N.B. Harte
Commercial Federation & Colonial Trade Policy
John Davidson
The Scientific and Industrial Revolution of Time
M.E. Beggs Humpreys and 1 more
The Wool Trade in Tudor and Stuart England
Peter J. Bowden
The Economic Development of the Third World Since 1900
Paul Bairoch
Rudolf Hilferding and 1 more
Why Ireland Starved
Joel Mokyr
An Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Historians
Victor E. Argy
J.J. Van Duijn
A Monetary History of the United Kingdom, 1870-1982. Volume 1 Data, Sources, Methods
Economic Development of China and Japan
C.D. Cowan
J. D. Gould
Class Structure and Economic Growth
The Reconstruction of Western Europe 1945-1951
Alan S. Milward
The Development of Japanese Business
Johannes Hirschmeier and 1 more
Science and Industry in the Nineteenth Century
J.D. Bernal
An Economic History of Transport in Britain
T. C. Barker and 1 more
History of the Trade Between the United Kingdom and the United States
Sydney J. Chapman
The Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1945-51
The Agricultural Revolution
Eric Kerridge
Economic Development in the Nineteenth Century
L. C. A. Knowles
A. J. Youngson
Money, Finance and Empire
A.N. Porter and 1 more
Commercial Crises of the Nineteenth Century
H. M. Hyndman
Essays on a Mature Economy
Deirdre N. McCloskey
The Anti-Corn Law League, 1838-1846
Norman McCord
Ancient Rome at Work
Paul Louis
Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe
Henri Pirenne
The London Weaver's Company 1600 - 1970
Alfred Plummer
England's Foreign Trade in the Nineteenth Century
A.L. Bowley
An Economic History of England: the Eighteenth Century
S. Pollard
Human Documents of the Industrial Revolution In Britain
E. Royston pike
E.L. Jones
B. W. E. Alford
Agrarian Problems in the Sixteenth Century and After
Britain's Economic Growth 1920-1966
An Economic History of the British Isles
Arthur Birnie
The Growth and Role of UK Financial Institutions, 1880-1966
D.K. Sheppard
Chartist Movement
Frank F. Rosenblatt
The Early English Tobacco Trade
C.M Macinnes
Economic HIstory of the British Iron and Steel Industry
Alan Birch
British Economic and Strategic Planning
A History of British Livestock Husbandry, 1700-1900
Robert Trow-Smith
Peter (Honorary Fellow and 2 more
Commercial Relations of England and Portugal
A.B.W. Chapman and 1 more
Industrial South Wales 1750-1914
W.E Minchinton
J.C. Fischer and his Diary of Industrial England
American Business Cycles 1945-50
Conrad Blyth
The Industrial Revolution
Mary Beggs-Humphreys
Wool Trade in Tudor and Stuart England
Keynesianism vs. Monetarism
Theories and Themes
North America
The Developing World
Women's Economic History
International Trade
A. N. Porter and 1 more
J.C. Fischer and His Diary of Industrial England, 1814-51
W. O. Henderson
The Commercial Relations of England and Portugal
V. M. Shillington and 1 more
(A Short Account Of) England's Foreign Trade in the Nineteenth Century
A. L. Bowley
A History of the Trade Between the United Kingdom and the United States
Sydney John Chapman
A Short History of Economic Progress
Y. S. Brenner
The Rise of the American Business Corporation
Richard S. Tedlow
A Short History of the World's Shipping Industry
C. Ernest Fayle
The Chartist Movement